Audience with Pope Francis
Audience with Pope Francis
IUSPAX in Athens
IUSPAX in Athens
17-18 March 2016:
17-18 March 2016:

17-18 March 2016: President of J&P Europe, H.E. Archbishop Jean-Claude Hollerich, and General Secretary Stefan Lunte, met H.E. Stanislav Zore, Archbishop of Ljubljana and President of the Slovenian Justice & Peace Commission, H.E. Stanislav Hocevar, Archbishop of Belgrad, H.Em. Josip Cardinal Bozanic, Archbishop of Zagreb and Bishop Vjekoslav Huzjak, President of the Croatian Justice & Peace Commission. 

IUSPAX - Members
IUSPAX - Members
IUSPAX in Rosengarden - Malmö
IUSPAX in Rosengarden - Malmö
Laudato Si
Audience with Pope Francis
IUSPAX in Athens
17-18 March 2016:

17-18 March 2016: President of J&P Europe, H.E. Archbishop Jean-Claude Hollerich, and General Secretary Stefan Lunte, met H.E. Stanislav Zore, Archbishop of Ljubljana and President of the Slovenian Justice & Peace Commission, H.E. Stanislav Hocevar, Archbishop of Belgrad, H.Em. Josip Cardinal Bozanic, Archbishop of Zagreb and Bishop Vjekoslav Huzjak, President of the Croatian Justice & Peace Commission. 

IUSPAX - Members
IUSPAX in Rosengarden - Malmö
ree of justice

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Wir sind ein europäisches Netzwerk von 32 Justitia et Pax-Kommissionen, die im Auftrag ihrer jeweiligen Bischofskonferenzen für den Kampf gegen Armut und für Menschenrechte, Frieden, Versöhnung, Entwicklung und Bewahrung der Schöpfung ihre Stimme erheben. Sie erhalten auf diesen Seiten Einblick in die Arbeit eines Gerechtigkeits- und Friedensnetzwerks der Katholischen Kirche.

IUSPAX in Athen

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Sekretariat der Konferenz der Europäischen Justitia et Pax Kommissionen 

19, Square de Meeûs 
 B-1050 Brüssel  Belgien 
 Tel.: +32 (0) 22 35 05 17 

  • 29.05.2017  Commission for Justice and Peace of the Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land: The question of "normalization"

    Commission for Justice and Peace of the Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land: The question of "normalization"

    What is normalization in the Israel-Palestine context? At its most basic level, “normalization” is the establishment of relations with the State of Israel, its organisms and citizens “as if” the current situation is a normal state of affairs, thus ignoring ongoing war, occupation and discrimination, or consciously obscuring or marginalizing them. Read the full document.

  • 05.05.2017  Transitional Corruption? - Securing Democracy and Justice in Post-Communist Europe

    Transitional Corruption? - Securing Democracy and Justice in Post-Communist Europe

    Former countries in Central and Eastern Europe, many of whom are today member states of the European Union, have dealt with their Communist past in different ways. Professor Peter Rožič, S.J., has led an in-depth comparative research of these “lustration” processes and put them in relation with available data on levels of corruption. On Tuesday,16 May 2016, at 11:00 hrs, Prof. Rožič will give a lecture on this topic at the COMECE Secretariat, 19 Sq de Meêus, in Brussels. The event is organised by Justice and Peace Europe with COMECE support. Click here for more information

  • 03.04.2017  Resilience for sustainable peace

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